Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Committee of the Whole July 11, 2023

This meeting looks like it could be a long one, which is typical for our July meetings.

Procedure Bylaw Amendments

This discussion will be abound proposed amendments to out procedure bylaw, which guides how Council and Committee of the Whole meetings operate. This is mostly housekeeping, but Admin is also proposing that members of the public registering to speak must provide their contact information and information about what they are addressing prior to speaking at a meeting.

Land Use Bylaw Update

Following the approval of our new Municipal Development Plan, these are long-awaited recommended updates to our Land Use Bylaw. These are the rules that govern what is built, what kind(s) of businesses are permitted in a particular area, and all the details surrounding how land can be used.

The Land Use Bylaw update is intended to provide a comprehensive review of the document, with a
focus on increased efficiency, flexibility, and responsiveness to current conditions. The goals of the
project include the following:
1. Incorporate the policies of Flourish Municipal Development Plan;
2. Overall housekeeping, and updates; and
3. Create a web friendly document.
Administration is proposing significant changes to both land use districts, and regulations to meet
these three goals. The proposed residential changes support a modest increase in density, that can
be spread throughout the city.”

In residential areas, changes include smaller lot sizes in some areas, the addition of triplexes and fourplexes on corner lots with lane access, allowing group homes and supportive living home in most areas, and allowing two secondary suites (instead of the current one) in single-detached homes on larger lots.

We’re also considering allowing different levels of home-based businesses with small signage, and allowing businesses to have up to one non-resident employee in some of the newer neighbourhoods - or up from 2 to 4 in a small number of districts. My biggest concern is that these businesses with an employee already exist, but are staying under the radar because our bylaws don’t allow employees - I’d rather accommodate than force quiet businesses to continue to break the rules.

One of my concerns is that we’re still requiring a lot of parking for new builds - With all the research showing that minimum parking requirements are terrible in terms of cost, health, environment, etc., I’m surprised that elimination of these outdated rules isn’t being proposed like Edmonton did a few years ago.

Community gardens are being proposed as a permitted land use in many areas, and discretionary in a few! We’re also considering a new Conservation Park district to protect environmentally sensitive areas from development.

In October, Admin will be reaching out to the public to get feedback before refinements are made and the final draft is brought back to Council.

Community Amenities Site Plan($80-$110M)

When I was elected in 2017, I wanted a pool built as soon as possible in an area of St. Albert that needs recreation spaces. It took years to acquire land in a part of the city that needs aquatics, time to service the land, but now Admin is proposing a site plan for the area that will house our next aquatics centre. In addition to a pool, we’re looking at a site that will house practice ice, a gym/fitness area (which subsidizes aquatics/other uses), and a high school. Outdoors, this site is also proposed to include a long-awaited bike skills park, a spray park/social ice area, sports courts, fields, and an area for cultural events. If this concept plan is approved, next steps include technical studies, operating model assessments completed through the next couple of years. With the capital costs and future administrative costs being what they are, we will need investment-ready plans to be ready for provincial and federal grants that will make this much-needed space a reality sometime after 2024.

Stormwater Management Facilities in Floodplains

I was surprised to see this item on our agenda at this time because “As the subject matter of this Agenda Report is relevant to the Public Hearing on Bylaw 1/2023, Standing Committee of the Whole may receive this item for information only. Standing Committee of the Whole ought not to direct Administration to take steps to amend the Land Use Bylaw at this point in time”. It looks like this won’t be a discussion, but rather an information session, but I’m sure our Legal folks will explain the rules when this item comes up. The drawings to explain this concept are great:

This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Members of the public can register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.

Regular Council Meeting August 15, 2023

Regular Council Meeting July 4, 2023