Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Regular Council Meeting June 20, 2023

Agenda highlights

In addition to several carry-forward motions from our Committee of the Whole meeting, we are considering several motions at this meeting:

Cherot Neighbourhood

This amendment to the Land Use bylaw is to set the development plan for part of the new neighbourhood west of Anthony Henday. The change will permit residential and park uses.

Land Use Bylaw (LUB) - Flood line updates + others

This is an update to the LUB to align it with municipal planning documents, “recently annexed Sturgeon County Annexation Lands, and incorporate the results of more current information provided within the 2022 Carrot Creek Master Drainage Study, and the 2022 Provincial Flood Mapping of Big Lake and the Sturgeon River”.

“In the Spring of 2019, the Province undertook the St. Albert Flood Hazard Study, which implements a
new approach to mapping floodways, and updates flood hazard maps. The flood study area covers
Big Lake, and the Sturgeon River. The new mapping is assumed to provide more accurate LIDAR
data than was previously used for flood map development, as well as to apply the most up-to-date
methodology for hydraulic modeling. In late 2022, Administration was informed by the representatives
from Environment & Protected Areas that the study was in ~99% draft form, and awaiting provincial
approval. In general, the elevation of the floodplain in the big lake/Sturgeon River Basin increased

The Provincial study notes the likely “increase in annual temperatures and precipitation, as well as
increased intensity and frequency of extreme events” due to climate change. The section concludes
that “it would be reasonable to apply a freeboard of 0.3m to simulated water design levels when
attempting to account for climate change concerns.” This 0.3m increase is reasonably close in most
cases to the mapped 1:200-year flood plain.”

Neighbourhoods that have been flagged due to flood concerns include Riverside, Downtown, and Cherot. In Cherot particularly, ASPs will have to be updated to account for updated flood lines.

EMTSC Loan Guarantee repeal

With the end of regional transit comes the end of a need for St. Albert to support this project, so we’ll be repealing our loan guarantee for the regional transit corporation.

911 (Fire dispatch)

In what feels like Groundhog Day, we’re considering 911 outsourcing for fire services again. This time, it’s a proposal to reverse our decision from last year to outsource 911 services. The rationale for bringing it up again appears to be the significant reduction in operational savings from what we’d initially considered - This is fair as operational savings have been slashed from about $340,000 per year to $20,000. However, capital costs and other costs still remain: “The total cost avoidance of contracting out the Fire dispatch function over 5 years is anticipated to be $1,252,000”, which includes a new dispatch system (as required by provincial legislation) and associated operation cost differences.

St. Albert Seniors Service Awards - Recognition Program

This is a council motion to start up another awards program for seniors and those associated with seniors-serving activities. This would be in addition to our Community Recognition Program, which already applies to this type of service award.

This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Members of the public can register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.

Regular Council Meeting July 4, 2023

Regular committee meeting June 13, 2023